Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Veggie Dogs With Flamin Hots.

new york eatings part deluxe

Nachos at some airport bar, they were pretty gross.
Some spicy chocolate vegan split monster
vegan jalapeno bean burger, really good.
cold noodles at some asian place momofuku or some shit. good. pretty asian

what is this

various new york eatings

Some kind of mushroom sandwich. Mushrooms suck. This was not mine.
Vegan Rib Sandwich
this thing ruled super hard, thats why theres 3 pictures of it. it kind of tasted like primal strips covered in bbq sauce i guess.

Vegan Fried Shrimp. This was pretty spot on as well, i guess anything fried tastes good though

Sunday, May 17, 2009

This is why you're fat

My friend Jeff told me about this site last night, saying I have to go there. It's all user submitted foods with coronary heart disease crust. Most of it just gave me heartburn while looking at it. Although some, where simply beautiful constructions of culinary bacon genius.

My favorites:

Meatloaf cake with mashed potato icing and ketchup

Egg quiche with gravy icing and bacon bits on top

Pizza cone

meatloaf w/ mac and cheese wrapped in bacon

potato salad sandwiched in white bread and 5 packages of strawberry cream cheese

smore deep fried

hotdog wrapped in frenchfries

french fry cheese brick

bacon ice cream

bacon donut

snack stadium

Thursday, May 7, 2009

another grill out

veggie dogs/corn/real chicken/sandwich